Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Love for Elizabeth

She lived a full and rich life that will not soon be forgot. Her legend and legacy will undoubtedly live on. People Magazine has credited her today as "a force on screen", and I couldn't agree more.

Elizabeth, you will be so very missed and forever loved.

"I've been through it all, baby, I'm mother courage" - Elizabeth Taylor


  1. I've been spending the morning googling her fashion over the years. Favourites include the white dress from Cat On A Hot Tin Roof and that gorgeous green dress in the photo where she's tilting her chin up. So stunning.

  2. I know exactly the photo you speak of and it's one of my favourites as well! She brought so much talent and vivacity to this world. I feel like its time to soon marathon her films :)

    Thanks for commenting :)
