Friday, July 10, 2009

Marie Antoinette Etsy Swag

Put in "Marie Antoinette" into the search on Etsy and you will find a zillion results. This puts a wicked smile on my face as I am just a wee bit obsessed with her. There is art work, jewelry, fashions, home decor, and much more.

Below are a few of my favourite finds, well today anyway~
~The mismash~
Sassy Designs

The Decorated House

Papercut Art

The Shabby Pink Cottage

Blu Lima

~Lingerie fashions~
Vintage Opulence

Alternative and interpretive art work:
Bohemian Romantic

Amber Alexander
I own this one! :)

~Charming accessories~
La Camelot

Just Be Designs

Lara Lewis

So many things to choose from. My mind is swimming in all the possibilities~


  1. WOW!! Those are all stunning! I especialy love that first piece of Lingerie. Just STUNNING!!!
    You reminded me of how much I want to watch that movie. I might just go and rent it for our girl's weekend in TO!! :)

  2. These are great! My question: where did you find that image of the 'balloon chandelier' ?? It is amazing!
